Sharing some secrets...

I have only shared these secrets with my clients… But I’m sharing them with you today!

Hello, beautiful souls!

Did you know that there’s a multitude of ways to go from frazzled to calm? 

There is no one right way, and we’re all affected differently by them too!  Last week I shared with you how to use EFT to feel calm, and I thought I’d spill the tea on my other top three secret techniques. Not only do I use these for myself (the first one is my personal favorite) but I use these all the time with my clients too! 

Give them a try right now and see how they feel for you! Then the next time you’re feeling upset, anxious, stressed or overwhelmed, try the one that you like the most and notice how it allows you to feel calm and centered again.

1. Double Inhale/Exhale Breath

  • How to do it: Breathe in through the nose, take a slight pause then add a second inhalation. Exhale slowly and completely through the mouth.

  • Benefits: This unique breathing rhythm is a charm for relaxing the nervous system. It enhances the oxygen flow to your brain and lungs, fostering relaxation and a clear mind. (You’ll probably notice that our bodies do this exact breath when we’re calming down from a big crying session. This allows for reregulation of the nervous system, and we can use this breath anytime we want to make that happen!)

2. Butterfly Hug

  • How to do it: Cross your arms, touching your upper arms. Gently squeeze your hands, reminiscent of a butterfly's wings.

  • Benefits: This beautiful bilateral stimulation, frequently used in trauma healing, is grounding and self-soothing. It often feels like a warm and comforting embrace.

3. Foot Pedaling

  • How to do it: Sitting comfortably, pedal your feet on the floor, mimicking the action of walking slowly. Be sure that your feet are slowly pressing into the floor while alternating the action.

  • Benefits: Pedaling your feet slowly on the floor sends a message to your brain that you’re getting away to safety. Add some slow deep breathing to this, it’ll makes it even more magical.

These techniques are small moments of self-care that can be incorporated throughout your day. Whether you're at home, work, or even on-the-go, you’ll have the tools to center yourself.

“I've been working with Trina for several years now, and it's not an exaggeration to say that she's helped me change my life. I have the tools now to find peace even when everything around me is chaos (kiddos!). My time with Trina is always healing, and I always come away with some new kernel of knowledge about myself that helps me grow as a person. She is wise and intuitive and just a joy to work with. I feel so lucky to have found her!” -Emily B.

Every breath you take, every gentle tap, every pedal movement is a step towards nurturing your inner peace.

Love and gratitude,

Trina 💖

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