Posts in Podcast interview
Have you heard it?

I’m so excited to share with you my interview on the Salon Sleuths Podcast where we talked about my favorite subject, EFT Tapping!

We go deep into exactly what EFT Tapping is, how we use it and why it works. We also get into some more detailed conversations about how and why this is so life changing.

I hope you listen in and enjoy our conversation!

(The interview starts at minute 8, but they do have some pretty nice things to say in those first 8 minutes ;)


Now’s the best time to refer a friend!

For the month of August I’m offering 20% your next session if you refer someone and they’ll also get 20% off their first session!

If you know someone who might be interested in trying EFT tapping, send them the podcast interview.

Still have questions? Schedule your free call today!

*discount will be applied to sessions that are scheduled during the month of August 2020