You won't believe what got me through 2023

Hello beautiful souls and happy new year!

I hope you’re enjoying the beginning of this new year.  We’re now 2 weeks in, but have you taken the time to reflect on this past year and set intentions for 2024? 

As I was reflecting on 2023 I realized that the prior year brought a delightful twist into my life, which actually started in the fall of 2022. My childhood friend, Gretchen, and I decided it was high time to make spending more time together a top priority. I reside in Southern California, and she's up in Northern California, so we used to meet up just a few times a year. However, during the fall in 2022, we enjoyed an incredible long weekend in Sonoma, CA. We hiked, shopped, dined out, caught a movie, and even indulged in a spa day. It was pure bliss! On our last morning in Sonoma, as we set out for one final hike under the sunny sky, we realized right then and there that we needed to do this more often. Now that our children are older we’ve been granted a newfound freedom, making weekend getaways easier.

We decided to start meeting up  monthly, which is a lot more often than we used to see each other; as well as deciding to make the focus of our weekends together to be active. Hiking and running became our go-to activities, helping us stay accountable, motivated, and focused on self-care. Each month, we'd either participate in organized 10k races or enjoy scenic runs in beautiful locations. When Gretchen visits me, we often hike my favorite trails and run along the Malibu beach, and when I visit her we often run with her running group on beautiful eastbay trails. Our favorite races to participate in are the She Is Beautiful runs that take place in Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz.

Let me tell you, this has been a game-changer for me. I’m always looking forward to our next weekend together, knowing they're right around the corner. I leave our weekends feeling fulfilled and inspired. The outside accountability for exercise has worked wonders for me. While I had typically stuck to comfortable activities like hiking, light running, walking, and yoga, committing to four 10k races a year with Gretchen has pushed me to step up my game. This has allowed me to realize that I’m capable of so much more, and it has super charged my daily commitment to staying active.

Running has definitely been my refuge during tough times this past year. The repetitive motion of running has a meditative quality that quiets my mind and soothes my soul. I originally discovered its mood-lifting and therapeutic benefits back in college. And at the time I felt like it was the most effective way to balance my mood (This was before I knew anything about EFT Tapping).  But I stopped running while I was battling breast cancer in my early 30s, and switched my focus to yoga. I’ve found yoga to be so grounding and help me be in the moment, but running has a unique impact on my mood, leaving me calm yet energized, with enhanced mental clarity, it’s unlike anything else. Truthfully, it's not always this way, and there are plenty of days when I'd rather skip it, but I remind myself of my upcoming runs with Gretchen, and it gives me the power to get through those tough days. Even on the toughest days, once I hit my stride, it's like hitting the reset button.

As I look ahead to 2024, I'm determined to keep prioritizing my monthly weekends with Gretchen, and we've already signed up for four 10k races!

I'm sharing this with you in hopes to inspire you to make a new commitment in this new year.  One that fills you up, keeps you accountable to your goals and leaves you feeling fulfilled.  

Now’s a perfect opportunity to reflect on this last year to see if there’s something in your life that you want more of this next year.  How can you make it more of a priority, and keep yourself accountable?

Much love and gratitude,


Here’s some pics from our runs in 2023.  What’s been super fun is that my oldest daughter, Maddie, joined us for a few runs, Gretchen’s daughter also joined us for a run, and we also had other friends who joined us on some runs too!

Trina LeeComment
Three Ways to Actually Enjoy the Holidays!

Hello Lovely Souls,

The holiday season is upon us, and it's time to embrace the warmth, joy, and magic that this time of year offers. However, we all know that sometimes it can be a little overwhelming. That's why I’m sharing three simple ways to ensure that your celebrations are filled with love, relaxation, and meaningful connections.

1. Recognize and Let Go of Unrealistic Expectations 

One of the biggest sources of holiday stress is the pressure we put on ourselves to create the "perfect" experience. Let's be real - there's no such thing as a perfect holiday. Instead of striving for unrealistic ideals, take a moment to reflect on what truly matters to you. Embrace imperfections, and remember that the most memorable moments often come from spontaneity and genuine connection. When you release these expectations, you open the door to enjoy the holidays in a more authentic way.

2. Prepare for Boundaries 

Setting boundaries is an act of self-love and preservation during the holidays. Anticipate situations that might be uncomfortable, such as intrusive questions from relatives or overcommitting to events. Before these scenarios arise, prepare gracious yet firm responses that help you maintain your boundaries while preserving relationships. This way, you can navigate through any awkward or inappropriate situations with grace and confidence.

3. Prioritize Self-Care 

Before diving into the holiday whirlwind, take time to nurture yourself. Engage in practices that soothe your nervous system and promote a sense of calm, grounding, and safety. This could be anything from the three secrets I shared with you a few weeks ago, hot bath, yoga, or even a cozy cup of herbal tea. When you prioritize self-care, you arrive at holiday gatherings or welcome guests with a serene and centered presence, making the entire experience more enjoyable for everyone.

Remember, the holidays are an opportunity to celebrate love, connection, and gratitude. By letting go of unrealistic expectations, establishing boundaries, and prioritizing self-care, you'll be well on your way to creating a joyful and meaningful holiday season.

Wishing you a season filled with warmth, love, and beautiful moments. 🌟

With love and gratitude,


Trina LeeComment
Recent Reads

Is there anything better than a book that enriches, engages, and inspires?

 As an avid reader, I'm always thrilled to discover new books that captivate me and encourage self-reflection and growth. Here are three recent favorites I'd like to share with you!


📖 The Source by Tara Swart

Swart takes us on a journey into the connection of neuroscience and spirituality. The book delves deep into harnessing the power of the mind, blending scientific insights with actionable steps. It's been a transformative read, making me more conscious of my mental patterns and the infinite potential within.

📖 The Emotional Lives of Teenagers by Lisa Demour

Demour's insightful exploration into the adolescent brain and the emotional turbulence of teenage years is truly enlightening. The book is packed with real-life scenarios, offering both understanding and practical advice for navigating these tumultuous times. It's given me a fresh perspective on the complexities of adolescence. A must read if you have a teen at home.

📖 Hidden Potential by Adam Grant

In typical Adam Grant fashion, this book challenges conventional wisdom. He delves into the untapped potential we all possess and the unexpected routes to achieving greatness. The anecdotes and research insights have been incredibly motivational, reminding me that success often comes from the most unexpected sources.

👉I’d love to hear from you! Have you had a chance to read any of these? I'm eager to exchange notes! And, of course, if you've stumbled upon any gems lately, send them my way.

“What a gift it has been to work with Trina over the past six years!  She has been an incredible help to me through many, many difficult times.  She brings a kind, calming, and warm presence to each session, listens deeply, has a lovely sense of humor, and best of all, has done her own work so that her own stuff doesn’t get in the way (as can happen sometimes with some therapists).  She is highly skilled at tapping and surprises me often as she continually learns new techniques. She is a voracious reader and always has a book or two to recommend that helps with my particular issues.  To put it simply:  My life is supremely better for the work we have done together.” -Dian Ulner

Trina LeeComment