Haunted by the past?

Have you ever felt like you can’t accept something that has happened in your life? 

Maybe it was an interaction with someone that keeps replaying in your mind, or an event or situation that feels unbelievable? 

You keep going over it in your head, trying to make sense of it, or make it different than it was? I know, I’ve done this too.

I’m here today to let you know you don’t have to be stuck in this unsolvable problem.  You can escape this, and I know because I’ve done it, and I’ve helped clients break free from it too!

This cycle is usually so repetitive because of an inability to fully accept and acknowledge what has happened. We don’t want it to be true, because if it's true then it means something we don’t want. 

Ready to find your way out of this?   Ask yourself, if I were to accept this, what does that mean about me?  What does that say about me?

Notice what comes up, no need to judge it or filter it, try to only observe it.  Then ask yourself is there any way this isn’t true?  Try to find one way, no matter how small it is, that doesn’t allow it to be true.  This is the first step in showing yourself that maybe this belief isn’t true, and maybe it doesn’t mean anything at all.  Is there any way that is possible?  Play around with this story you are telling yourself about this situation. It’s so much easier to make peace with past events if we don’t attach a bunch of BS meanings to them.  What if it doesn't define you?  What if it doesn’t say anything about you?  What if it happened, and now it's in the past so you can truly let it be, let it go and allow it to rest?  

✨Please be gentle with yourself and don’t try to do this about past trauma.  It’s best to work with a trauma informed practitioner, where you feel supported and safe.

✨Be sure to tap during this process to allow yourself to find new perspectives more easily and feel safe the whole time. Journaling too is also a great way to see those beliefs/stories that are keeping you stuck.

✨Want some help with this?  I’m here for you!  You can schedule here. For the month of February I’m offering 50% off your first session.   

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